Introducing the “ Now I Know ” series of ebooks
by Sally Devorsine
Sally Devorsine is a young mum who many of us have met during our wanderings in India and Bhutan. Sally had the great good fortune to have been the English teacher to Yangsi Khyentse Rinpoche when Rinpoche was a young boy.

Sally, Yann and Anwen
I meet Sally, her husband Yann and little daughter Anwen in Tashiding. They had just completed the Indian leg of the world wide visit by Yangsi Khyentse Rinpoche. Their display as an authentic young Dharma family is inspiring and we can all look forward to seeing Anwen grow into someone who will help bring the Dharma to others just as her mother Sally has done. They are now back in Bhutan , playing , painting and awaiting the spring.
The ” Now I Know “ series is a unique and vibrant group of books for children written and illustrated by Sally and they have been endorsed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Matthieu Ricard .
Based on the one – thousand year old eight verse mind training of Geshe Langri Thangpa, which has never before been translated for children, they delightfully combine ethics, wisdom and sense of humour.
The “Now I Know” collection is for both parents and kids offering different methods of finding happiness for self and others!
Published by Chocolate Sauce, a new boutique brand of spiritually orientated books for children.
You can purchase these great little e books at

Pages from the Now I Know series of Childrens Books from Chocolate Sauce Publishing
by Geshe Langri Thangpa
Wishing to attain enlightenment
For the sake of all beings,
Who excel even the Wish-fulfilling Jewel
May I cherish them all
Whenever I am with others
May I consider myself least important
And, from the depth of my heart,
Cherish all and hold them supreme.
In all activities, may I examine my mind
And as soon as conflicting emotions arise
Endangering myself and others
May I firmly face and avert them.
Whenever I see an evil being
Overwhelmed by intense negativity and suffering
May I cherish him as something rare
As if I’d chanced upon a priceless treasure.
When others out of envy
Mistreat me, with slander and abuse
May I take defeat upon myself
And offer the triumph to others.
When someone whom I’ve helped
With much hope and expectation
Hurts me, deeply and unjustifiably
May I regard him as my sublime master.
In short, may I directly and indirectly
Offer happiness and Peace to all my mothers.
All their evil and suffering
May I secretly take upon myself.
In all this may my mind be unstained
By the eight ordinary concerns
And know all things to be illusion
Free of clinging, may I release all beings from bondage.

Pages from the Now I Know series of Childrens Books from Chocolate Sauce Publishing

Pages from the Now I Know series of Childrens Books from Chocolate Sauce Publishing