By Nikki Keefe
SIA Northern Rivers group enjoyed it’s 3rd annual Vipashyana retreat in Rosebank, in the beautiful Byron Bay hinterland, late September 2011. This year we decided to shorten the course from 10 days to 5 days in the hopes of allowing more people to attend. This strategy worked out well and we doubled our numbers to 28 with people coming from far and wide. Our resident teacher Jakob Leschly guided us with his usual panache and humour, wonderful food was provided by our ever attentive hosts and we were fortunate to have 2 great yoga teachers, Nicky and Donna from our Melbourne Sangha who gave us a much needed daily workout. Sessions were a mixture of sitting, walking and tea drinking and when the sun was shining we were able to make use of the tranquil gardens. This all provided a very conducive atmosphere for meditation and contemplation.
Please see the 2012 SIA program for this years planned Vipashyana retreats in Adelaide, Blue Mountains and Northern NSW at SI Australia calendar download

Retreat participants September 2011